Melford Law
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provides legal services to businesses, non-profits, and individuals worldwide who are engaged in the creation and exploitation of intellectual property. Our clients are consultants, radio and television producers, musicians, advertising agencies, publishers, and filmmakers.

include copyright and trademark protection and transactions, music licensing, content clearance, business organization, and contract negotiation. Our value to our clients stems from Michael Melford's experiences as a performer and producer as well as thirty years addressing the full range of legal issues.



Practice Areas


Business Organizations
Contract Negotiation
Intellectual Property
Internet Services

Motion Pictures
Music Business
Media Law
Software Development
Television and Radio


“We are a big fans of Melford Law for our copyrights, trademarks, corporate work and IP contracts. Michael is very engaged in what we do.”  —Timothy M. Warren, Jr., CEO, The Warren Group, Inc.


Our Professionals

Michael Melford

Michael Melford advises clients throughout the world in the fields of entertainment, publishing, advertising, and the arts. He concentrates on protection of intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, and on transactions involving the exploitation of creative works. He has written music for motion picture soundtracks and produced record albums, winning a Grammy. He is of counsel to the firm of Frieze & Rosen LLP and consults on IP matters for clients of Hurwit & Associates, legal counsel for philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. He is a cum laude graduate of Boston College Law School. Language: French.

Michael Melford, avocat, conseille des producteurs de films, des compositeurs, des maisons de disques, des agences de publicité, des experts-conseils, des auteurs et des artistes à travers le monde. Il est spécialisé dans la protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle, y compris les droits d’auteur et les marques déposées, et dans les transactions comportant l’exploitation des œuvres de création. Il a composé la musique pour des bandes sonores de film et a produit des disques, pour lesquels il a gagné un Grammy.

Michael guided us through complicated negotiations with the POLIN Museum in Warsaw, Poland.  He created construction and intellectual property contracts, enabling our non-profit to recreate a 17th-century synagogue roof and elaborately painted ceiling that ultimately became the museum’s centerpiece.    — Rick Brown, Handshouse Studio



Melford Law Office
12 Brattle Circle
Cambridge, MA  02138-4625 USA